The RLSS offers the following services to Religious
Below is an overview of the services of the RLSS. Any member of the RLSS will have full access to all of the services we offer with no limit on how often you use them.
Case Management
The RLSS has a highly qualified Safeguarding Team who will manage any casework.
The team will work with your Safeguarding Lead and/or Leadership Team to ensure that any safeguarding concerns are handled fully and to the highest possible standard. The team are here to help you and welcome any questions you have, no matter how small.
Advice and Support
The Safeguarding Team will also offer advice and support in areas not related to casework or training. This could be advice on procedures, whether something is a safeguarding concern, safer recruitment and other areas of best practice which promote a safer Church.
If you have any questions, concerns or issues in relation to safeguarding start with a phone call or email to the RLSS. Often we will be the correct location for your query and even if we are not, we will help you find the answer.