RLSS Safeguarding Conference 2024

RLSS Faith Based Safeguarding Conference
1st March 2024
Milton Keynes

Join us for the RLSS Safeguarding Conference, a must-attend event for anyone involved in faith-based Safeguarding. This in-person conference will be held in Milton Keynes. Dive into a day of insightful sessions led by experts, where you’ll learn about the latest strategies and best practices in safeguarding. Connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and gain valuable knowledge to help protect and educate others about safeguarding. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference in the field of safeguarding!

This conference is suitable for anyone working in faith based safeguarding or working in a pastoral role within a faith based setting such as parish work, chaplaincy, care of elderly and spiritual direction. 

Rev Stephan Kappler – Mental Health and Ministry 
Dr Lisa Oaskly – Spiritual Abuse  

With workshops from The Charity Commission, Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE), Survivors in Transition, Circles of Accountability and Responsibility and many, many more. Pick a morning and afternoon option from 11 workshops to make sure you get the most relevant information for your role.


Book on to 2 workshops, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. With 11 workshops to choose from there is something for everyone. 

1. Learning From IICSA – Fr Chad Boulton OSB

2. Trauma Informed Practice – Survivors in Transition

3. Responsibilities of Trustees – The Charity Commission

4. Safeguarding in Care Settings – Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

5. Enacting Appropriate Boundaries – Tammy Banks

6. Managing Low level Concerns – Marcus Erooga

7. Working With Those Who Have Caused Harm – Circles of Support and Accountability

8. Restorative Justice – Robert Mackay

9. Theology of Safeguarding – Fr Barry O’Sullivan

10. What Founders Say about Safeguarding – Br Dr Brendan Geary FMS

11. Statement of Wishes Supporting Older Community Members – Sr Anne Redmond DC 

Read more



Coffee, Registration and Market Place 

Hotel reception 


Welcome and Introduction 

A warm welcome from the RLSS Chair and our Master of Ceremony 


Key Note Speaker – Mental Health and Ministry (with Q&A)

Rev. Stephan Kappler from The Southdown institute in Canada 


Coffee Break

Tea and Coffee will be provided in your workshop room


Master Classes & Workshops

With workshops from The Charity Commission, Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE), Survivors in Transition, Circles of Accountability and Responsibility and many, many more…


Lunch and Market Place

Market stalls will be open


Key Note Speaker –  Spiritual Abuse (with Q&A)

Professor Lisa Oakley from Chester University


Coffee Break

Tea and Coffee will be provided in your workshop room


Master Classes & Workshops

With workshops from The Charity Commission, Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE), Survivors in Transition, Circles of Accountability and Responsibility and many, many more…


Panel and Plenary 

Our MC will leave a panel discussion with both keynotes and some workshop hosts. 


Closing comments and reflections

The MC will round up the conference with some reflections and closing comments



The Conference will close at 16:30 pm 

Ticket Prices

Standard Ticket

£180 each

Individual tickets will be priced at £180 per ticket

x2 Tickets

£140 each

2 tickets will be priced at £140 per ticket

x3 Tickets

£100 each

3 tickets will be priced at £100 per ticket

x4 Tickets

£80 each

4 tickets will be priced at £80 per ticket

x5 Tickets

£65 each

5 or more tickets will be priced at £65 per ticket

Partnership Discount

£100 each

some of our partners are offering individual ticket rates of £100, simply quote the code on their communications to gain the discount

Student Discount 

£50 each

valid with a current student ID or link with a known professor or lecturer.