The rights of the directee
At the outset of the Accompaniment it is the responsibility of the director to explain to the directee (and ensure they understand) about confidentiality:
To know the extent and limitations of the confidentiality.
To be told the circumstances in which the director may wish to breach confidentiality.
To have a clear contract with terms which they fully understand, accept and support.
To know who will make, keep and have access to their notes and records, how they will be kept, for how long they will be retained and for what purposes they may be retained/destroyed/disclosed.
To be informed of circumstances when the director may have to or is about to breach their confidentiality (unless there are defensible reasons why this cannot be the case, in cases of certain child protection or mental incapacity).
To know how, why and to whom information will be given by their director.
To know the import of and /or see what is being said about the directee if that directee so wishes